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Personalize The Need for Screening
After identifying eligible members for colorectal screening, the team developed a personalized story for each patient, and created a follow-up process to contact them.
Why This Matters
- Early detection is paramount to successful cancer treatment.
Test of Change
- Bringing the message to a personal level helps patients to understand
Small Changes, Healthy Babies
Increase in percentage of little ones with all immunizations current.
Why This Matters
- Vaccines help prevent disease.
Test of Change
- Give shots in the exam room instead of the injection clinic
When The Game Changes, Change Your Game
This team remained flexible and confident in its ability to adjust to change after health care reform transformed their patient population.
Why This Matters
- Nearly 80 percent of the department’s patients who have high blood pressure are African American and at greater risk of severe consequences.
Test of Change
- Loaning patients testing kits they can take home helps control blood pressure levels.