Kaiser Permanente and the Alliance of Health Care Unions

Bargaining Subcommittees

Four subcommittees, made up of representatives chosen by KP and union leaders, will examine issues of importance to labor and management.  This year, those topics include problem and dispute resolution; staffing, backfill, and the use of travelers; patient and worker safety; and racial justice.

Each subcommittee is led by a management and union representative. Instead of taking hardline positions, subcommittee members stake out common interests. During the course of bargaining, assisted by outside facilitators, they identify interests and develop options.

Subcommittees will report on their progress at key “check-in” meetings with the Common Issues Committee (CIC) in June and August.

The four subcommittees and their co-leads are:

Problem and Dispute Resolution

  • Management co-lead: Eric Ruperto
  • Alliance co-lead: Julie Kwiek 

Staffing, Backfill and Travelers

  • Management co-leads: Aileen Oh and Jerry Spicer
  • Alliance co-leads: Jodi Barschow and Peter Sidhu

Patient & Worker Safety

  • Management co-lead: Maria Dee
  • Alliance co-lead: Charmaine Morales 

Racial Justice

  • Management co-lead: Laura Long
  • Alliance co-lead: Sandra Flores
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